Step-by-Step lists the steps to achieve a goal.
ooo sbs change diapers of a 3 month old baby
1. Gather all necessary changing supplies (diapers, wipes, cream, changing pad or mat, extra clothes).
2. Place the baby on their back on the changing surface.
3. Unfasten the dirty diaper and remove it, being careful not to let any mess touch the baby.
4. Wipe down the baby with a wet wipe, being sure to clean the genital area thoroughly.
5. Apply a diaper cream or ointment if needed.
6. Place a fresh diaper under the baby, and fasten the sides.
7. Clean up any mess that may have been made, and put the dirty diaper in a bag to be disposed of.
8. Put on the baby's clean clothes and dispose of the soiled ones.
9. Wash your hands.