Writes and email as reply based on your inputs (intent) and original message. To get better results out of this prompt you should: enter your intent, your "reply", followed by the original email between quotes.
ooo response I disagree with bringing the legal team at this point. Better solving the business side before envolving other areas

"Hi André,

Thanks for the update. Jacob and I are optimistic we can reach an agreement on certain clauses.

I think it will be beneficial to jump on a call with our legal team to try to get this over the finish line. Let me know if you are free next week to discuss further.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hello Bruno,

Thank you for the update. I'm glad to hear Jacob and you are optimistic about reaching an agreement on certain clauses.

I appreciate the suggestion to involve our legal team to get this over the finish line. However, I disagree with bringing the legal team at this point. I think it would be better to solve the business side before involving other areas.

Let me know what you think.
